Recently, various schemes for controlling the resistive wall mode have been proposed.
Here, the problem of resistive wall mode feedback control is formulated utilizing concepts from electrical
circuit theory. Each of the coupled elements (the perturbed plasma current, the poloidal passive shell
system and the active coil system) is considered as lumped parameter electrical circuits
obeying the usual laws of linear circuit theory. A dispersion relation is derived
using different schemes for the feedback logic. The various schemes differ in
the choice of sensor signal, which is determined by some combination of the
three independent circuit currents. Feedback schemes are discussed which
can, ideally, completely stabilize the kink mode. These schemes depend, for their
success, on a suitable choice for the location of the sensors. A feedback scheme based
on sensing the passive shell eddy current is discussed which seeks to drive the feedback
system response to a point of marginal stability. For realizable feedback gain factors,
this feedback system can suppress the kink mode amplitude for times that are very long
compared with the L/R time-scale of the passive shell system. The circuit equation approach discussed
provides a useful means for comparing various control strategies for n ⩾ 1 kink mode control,
and allows useful analogies to be drawn between kink mode control and the control of n = 0
vertical position instabilities.