The effective masses of the quarks in an extended Fock space approach is extracted from an analysis of the magnetic moment of the baryons. Careful attention is given to the Lϭ1 term in the three-quark plus quarkantiquark states. Inclusion of gluons is essential for reproducing the correct magnetic moment ratio of the proton and neutron. The hyperspherical harmonics method is employed to handle the five-body wave functions. The effective masses of the quarks in this approach are considerably smaller than those used in conventional quark models, but greater than those of the current quarks. Moreover, the contributions of the quark masses to the nucleon mass, obtained in this work, agrees well with those of the experimental observations and those of the chiral expansion model. ͓S0556-2821͑98͒04121-6͔ PACS number͑s͒: 12.39. Mk, 12.15.Ff, 13.40.Em ⌿ total ϭ P 3q ⌿͑3q ͒ϩ P 3qϩg ⌿͑3qϩg ͒ϩ P 3qϩqq ⌿͑3qϩqq ͒. ͑1͒Each P a 2 represents the probability of observing a particular ⌿ a . The first two types of states in Eq. ͑1͒ are the well known (3q) and (3qϩg) states, and they have been extensively discussed in the literature. Therefore we shall summa-