First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor Miklós for his support and guidance throughout all these years. Although I might have doubted some of his ideas about the direction of this research, I must confess: he has been right the whole time. I would also like to thank all my colleagues, co-authors and friends who contributed to the results presented in this dissertation. Studying the application-oriented concepts that provide the backbone of this dissertation would not have been possible without the support of an industrial partner. I would like to thank Tisza Volán Zrt., the public bus transportation company of Szeged, Hungary, for providing the real-life data for testing our methods, the professional feedback on the quality of our results, and especially for the several innovative ideas about the shortcomings of the current state of transportation-many of these are reflected in the different topics of our theses. Last, but not least, I would also like to thank my family. My girlfriend Edit for her love, support and most importantly her patience. My parents, who have always been there for me, especially my mother Tünde, whom I can always count on. And my brothers (all four of them), who are the best siblings one can wish for. inserted into the given blocks, b) and c) represent possible solutions. .. .. .. . .