Recently a new course in Sensors and Measurement was introduced to the Mechatronics Option in the Mechanical Engineering Program at Ryerson University. In order to enhance the learning and comprehension of fundamental concepts in measurement and instrumentation, experiential learning was introduced through the extensive use of “hands-on” laboratories to demonstrate the theory taught in the lectures. In the course, the application of modern instrumentation and measurement of both static and dynamic mechanical systems are covered through the use of interfacing of hardware sensors with Labview software. Students learn about transducers, signal conditioning, and analogue to digital data conversion through the writing of their own Labview programs which is used to collect and perform preliminary analysis of the data. These labs are designed to follow Kolb’s experiential learning cycle, where students learn the theory, are introduced to the physical equipment, plan how they are going to program the Labview software to collect the data that they require, and then test their programs in the laboratory. Finally, after the lab, students are required to analyse the data they collected and write a lab report. By taking this experiential approach to learning, the course was successful in teaching and reinforcing the required principles to students.