With the development of technology, digital tools have become an important part of education, this paper investigates the role of digital tools in enhancing the interactivity of cultural industry management teaching and discusses its impact on teaching effectiveness. 513 pieces of valid information were collected from a random sample of frontline teachers and students in a university in Jiangxi Province using questionnaires and interviews, the results of the study show that digital tools play an important role in enhancing the interactivity of teaching and learning. Specifically, teachers and students identified basic teaching skills, instructional design ability, collaborative teaching ability, data diagnosis ability, and instructional decision-making ability as the main skills required for the application of digital tools in teaching and learning, among which, instructional design ability performs the best in stimulating students’ motivation strategy, with a mean score of 3.938. In addition, multiple linear regression analysis revealed that digital tools have a significant impact on the development of cultural industry management and the development of cultural industry management. In addition, multiple linear regression analysis reveals that digital knowledge and digital skills have a significant positive effect on the interactivity of cultural industry management teaching, and the study concludes that the effective integration of digital tools can significantly improve the interactivity and effect of cultural industry management teaching and promote the innovation of teaching mode.