In order to make physical systems run more efficiently and effectively at multiple levels of information processing, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) combine physical processes, Computing, Communication, and Control (the 3Cs) into a single system. There are many factors that make solving the problem of packet transmission in CPS difficult, including unforeseeable node mobility, low number of nodes, lack of global data, and intermittent network access. Currently, there is no good answer to this problem in the literature. The impact of the CPS on engineered systems is much greater in the present and future. Cyber-physical system integration often presents unique challenges in the fields of design, implementation, and application. One of the goals of this research is to better understand the various definitions of an integrated CPS, as well as the growth of new research areas in this field. The application of CPSs faces a number of difficulties, including those related to efficiency, reliability, controllability, and security. We are moving forward in technological innovation with the development of CPSs and the Internet of Things (IoT). It is possible for engineers to gain a better understanding of engineering systems and management modules by utilizing the CPS-IoT models.