Contamination of coastal waters can carry pathogens and contaminants that cause diseases in humans and wildlife, and these pathogens can be transported by water to areas where they are not indigenous. Marine mammals may be indicators of potential health effects from such pathogens and toxins. Here we isolated bacterial species of relevance to humans from wild bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus and assayed isolated bacteria for antibiotic resistance. Samples were collected during capture−release dolphin health assessments at multiple coastal and estuarine sites along the US mid-Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico. These samples were transported on ice and evaluated using commercial systems and aerobic culture techniques routinely employed in clinical laboratories. The most common bacteria identified were species belonging to the genus Vibrio, although Escherichia coli, Shewanella putrefaciens, and Pseudomonas fluorescens/ putida were also common. Some of the bacterial species identified have been associated with human illness, including a strain of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) identified in 1 sample. Widespread antibiotic resistance was observed among all sites, although the percentage of resistant isolates varied across sites and across time. These data provide a baseline for future comparisons of the bacteria that colonize bottlenose dolphins in the southeastern USA.KEY WORDS: Marine mammals · MRSA · Vibrios · Coastal waters · Zoonosis · Anthropogenic impacts · Microbiology · Screening
Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisherDis Aquat Org 108: [91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102] 2014 with wastes and wastewater discharges (Oates et al. 2012).Infections are routinely implicated with morbidity and mortality of marine mammals (Stroud & Roffe 1979, Gulland & Hall 2007. Bogomolni et al. (2008) identified infectious disease as the most significant factor for mortality in marine vertebrates, based on necropsy and histopathology data. Infectious diseases were associated with 31% of the deaths re viewed, which was higher than deaths caused by trauma, dependent pups or calves unable to forage on their own, or drowning as a result of fishery by-catch. Pathologies included peritonitis, septicemia, hepatitis, aspergillosis, and bacterial enteritis, among others.Marine mammals may provide early indications of potential health effects from contaminants in the oceans (Wells et al. 2004). Dolphins and other marine mammals have a physiology more similar to humans than other marine inhabitants (Wells et al. 2004). Their diets and physiologies have many commonalities with humans, while their exposure to the marine environment makes them more susceptible to risks from the ocean, including pathogens and toxins. Marine mammals may serve as a biological early warning system, alerting hu mans to risks before diseases manifest in humans (Bossart 2006, Stewart et al. 2008. Disease in these marine mammals may demonstrate health risks re sulting f...