This study investigates the pavement network maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) programming problem, over a certain planning horizon and in the context of limited funding. We designed an integer programming model to fulfill three purposes, namely, optimize the road conditions, minimize user disturbance costs, and minimize agency costs. We present a case study in which this model is applied to the pavement network of Shanghai. We investigate the results through the use of five M&R strategies, to identify the Pareto-optimal trade-offs inherent in developing pavement network M&R planning. The results demonstrate that there is a positive relationship between PCI improvement and user disturbance costs and between PCI improvement and agency costs. Additionally, we conduct a comparative analysis between agency and government-oriented strategies to evaluate the effectiveness and equity consideration. The findings suggest that the government-oriented strategy improves the pavement condition effectively with low user disturbance costs, and the agency-oriented strategy accounts for more equity consideration. Finally, we formulate an extension model that considers multiple road types, for application to pavement network M&R programming. The results show that light rehabilitation and preventive maintenance are the most frequently implemented treatments on arterial roads and secondary trunk roads from the case network implementation. This study helps decision-makers identify the trade-offs made when developing a pavement network M&R program.