Forest ecosystems provide a variety of services and forest ecosystem management (FEM) is an effective approach to maximize the services. Because of the complexity of forest ecosystems, the applications of FEM can be facilitated with decision support systems (DSS) that recognize and incorporate ecological and socio-economic variables. With the rapid development of computation and information technologies, DSS have been advanced in many ways. Traditional forest management within a forestry unit in China is planned on a yearly basis. The planning itself remains primarily a verbal concept as there are no quantitative decision-support tools available to translate the concept into forest management actions. For the purposes of FEM at the management level, a forest management DFF, FORESTAR ® , has been developed under a framework of geographic information system (GIS) and forest models. The paper explained the intelligent modeling mechanisms and demonstrated how the applications of FEM can be strengthened with the applications of FORESTAR ® .Keywords: forest functions, forested landscapes, forest services, forest models, geographic information systems.Forest ecosystem management (FEM) is the integration of ecological, economic, and social factors and a holistic approach to natural resource management [1] . It has two essential goals: one is maintaining the biodiversity, productivity, structure and function of forest ecosystems within historical ranges of variability; the other is maintaining the optimum sustainable flow of renewable resource products and values to meet the current and future needs of society. The applications of FEM involve collaboration of forest managers and scientists, with inclusion and consent of the public in managing human activities 10 Science in China: Series E Technological Sciences within forest ecosystems to produce, restore, or sustain forest ecosystem integrity and desired conditions over the long-term. In order to implement FEM effectively, it is essential (1) to ensure integrating scientists into decision making, linking ecosystem functions to socio-economics and cross-sect oral institutional integration or new institutional mechanisms; (2) to better understand the structure, function and processes, as well as temporal and spatial dynamics, and the effects of different management scenarios and natural change of forest ecosystems [2] .During the course of the forest management, forest managers face many kinds of problems; also face many kinds of answers and decisions. Davis [3] suggested that the main role of managers be making decisions on what can realize the goals of forest ecosystem management. Due to multi-faceted roles and a long lifespan of forest ecosystems, FEM necessitates decision-making that recognizes and incorporates diverse ecological, economic and social processes, a multitude of variables, and conflicting objectives and constraints [4] . Decision-making in forestry is so important that any wrong decisions in forest managemen...