In 2001, "The Model of the Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine" was first published. This document, the first of its kind, was the result of an extensive practice analysis of emergency department (ED) visits and several expert panels, overseen by representatives from six collaborating professional organizations (the American Board of Emergency Medicine, the American College of Emergency Physicians, the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, the Residency Review Committee for Emergency Medicine, the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors, and the Emergency Medicine Residents' Association). Every 2 years, the document is reviewed by these organizations to identify practice changes, incorporate new evidence, and identify perceived deficiencies. For this revision, a seventh organization was included, the American Academy of Emergency Medicine.ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2014;21:574-598 © 2014 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine E mergency medicine (EM) is the only medical specialty that has a scientifically derived and commonly accepted description of the domain of its clinical practice. That document, "The Model of the Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine" (EM Model), was developed through the collaboration of six organizations: the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM-the administrative organization for the project), the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors (CORD), the Emergency Medicine Residents' Association (EMRA), the Residency Review Committee for Emergency Medicine (RRC-EM), and the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM). Development of the EM Model was based on an extensive practice analysis of the specialty. The practice analysis relied on both empiric data gathered from actual emergency department (ED) visits and several expert panels.1 The resulting product was first published in 2001 2 and has successfully served as the common source document for all EM organizations. One of its strengths is incorporating the reality that EM is a specialty driven by symptoms, not diagnoses, requiring simultaneous therapeutic and diagnostic interventions.The task force that developed the EM Model recommended that a new task force, composed of representatives from all six organizations, be formed every 2 years to assess the success of the document in accomplishing its objective of supporting the ongoing development of the specialty of EM, to consider alterations to the EM Model suggested by the collaborating organizations, and to recommend changes to the six sponsoring organizations.The initial 2-year review occurred in 2003, with representatives from each of the six organizations suggesting changes and reporting how their respective organizations had used the document. The initial 2-year update was published in Annals of Emergency Medicine and Academic Emergency Medicine in 2005.3,4 Subsequently, a task force met every 2 years to review the EM Model
THE EM MODELThe EM Model is a three-dimensional descri...