논문투고일:2011년 04월 21일논문수정완료일:2011년 06월 11일 논문게재확정일:2011년 06월 11일 * 이 논문은 2008학년도 부경대학교 연구년 교수 지원사업에 의하여 연구되었음 (PS-2008-018). ** 부경대학교 경영학부 교수, 교신저자 *** 현대제철(주) 원료관리담당 **** 현대제철(주) 원료기획팀 A ship scheduling model is presented for the raw material transportation problem with yard storage constraints in a steel mill. The problem is formulated as 0, 1 mixed integer programming considering such constraints as loading port conditions, ship size and hold capacity, unloading conditions, and yard storage space. In addition, inventory related constraints including safety stock are taken into consideration to support the continuous operations of steel making process. The proposed model has been implemented and applied successfully to a real world problem, and its results show the improvement of performance compared to the traditional method. For example, the arrival dates of ships are determined satisfying the constraints. The total inventory level is minimized at the stock yard as a result. Also, the safety inventory level is always kept at the planning stage, and the standard deviation of total inventory level is reduced significantly. Further research is expected to develop efficient heuristics to have a better response time for even larger scale problems.