: In this paper, we have developed smart-phone App(application) for screening Dementia using bionic sensors, urine test and questionnaire. Since small amounts of urinary protein strongly predict faster cognitive decline in the elderly, smart-phone based urinalysis is adopted to screen dementia more accurately as well as bionic sensors such as SpO2 and HRV(Heart Rate Variability). Firstly, DI(Dementia Index) is calculated from urinalysis, two bionic sensors and electric questionnaire, and then compared to the threshold from clinical test. Finally the results of Dementia screening is shown in your smart-phone and useful information to prevent or relieve Dementia is also given. We performed simple testing on persons aged over 60 and found out the proposed application can be useful devices for screening Dementia easily and quickly. 병원에서의 뇌영상 의학적 방법을 통한 초기 진