This paper discusses the educational practices carried out by integrative-based Madrasahs in the view of Muhammad Iqbal, located in Madrasah Ibtida'iyah (MI) NU Banat Kudus (MI at the same level as elementary schools). Researchers conducted direct observations and interviewed several parties from MI and documentation support. Qualitative data that have been analyzed descriptively detect two dimensions of subject groups: general lessons and salaf, supported by various religious activities. The content of salaf lessons at MI NU Banat Kudus consists of pegon, imla', nahwu, shorof, i'lal, tarikh, tafsir, and mahfudhot, equipped with local content, namely musyafahah al-Qur'an, salat, fiqh salat, tawhid, akhlaq, and calligraphy. The religious activities that were successfully detected were dhuha prayer, asmaul husna recitation, dziba' recitation, tadarus al-Qur'an, tahlilan, khotmil Qur'an, da'wah training, and congregational dhuhur prayer. In general subjects, in addition to adjusting Indonesian government regulations, MI NU Banat Kudus has a uniquely distinctive, namely; students and teachers must practice four languages: Indonesian, Arabic, English and Javanese. MI NU Banat Kudus complements it by equipping students to choose pencak silat, table tennis, scouts, computers, choirs, and volleyball. Thus, MI NU Banat Kudus has implemented an Islamic education system from Muhammad Iqbal's perspective, namely integrative Education, by combining modern science and Islamic values and emphasizing their importance in developing reason, spirituality, and creativity in Education. In some conditions, teachers apply outing classes to see the natural environment in absolute terms and contextualize the knowledge that students have obtained.