The author reports on light-sensing ambipolar organic field-effect transistors ͑LS-OFETs͒ based on blends of͓6,6͔-phenyl-C 61 -butyric acid methyl ester and poly ͓2-methoxy-5-͑3Ј ,7Ј-dimethyloctyloxy͔͒-p-phenylene vinylene. By carefully tuning the ambipolar transport character of the LS-OFETs, their photoresponsivity can be controlled and optimized. By combining LS-OFETs with ordinary unipolar organic transistors, fabrication of electro-optical switches and logic circuits, such as NOT and OR gates, is demonstrated. This is the only report of organic electro-optical circuits in which signal processing involves the use of both optical and electrical input signals. Such circuits could one day be explored in optical sensor array applications. © 2007 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2778754͔Over the past twenty years progress in the area of organic field-effect transistors ͑OFETs͒ and integrated circuits has been driven mainly by the development of organic semiconductors rather than advancements in device and circuit design concepts. In particular, use of OFETs has been restricted in applications where the transistors are used purely as unifunctional devices ͑e.g., current switches͒, notably in pixel engines for active-matrix flexible displays 1 and organic integrated circuits.2,3 Recently, however, organic transistors with additional functionalities, i.e., bifunctional OFETs, have been designed and demonstrated with most notable examples the light-emitting 4-6 and light-sensing 7-9 ͑LS-OFETs͒ transistors. These latter demonstrations are of particular significance since, in principle, design and fabrication of a different breed of organic electro-optical circuits in which the electrical and optical functionalities of these bifunctional transistors are combined, can be envisioned. To this end, of primary importance is the development and demonstration of highperformance bifunctional organic transistors, and in particular LS-OFETs, and their use in technological applications.The present work reports on electro-optical circuits based on ambipolar LS-OFETs and ordinary unipolar OFETs. The former are realized using blends of ͓6 6͔-phenyl-C 61 -butyric acid methyl ester ͓͑60͔PCBM͒ and poly ͓2-methoxy-5-͑3Ј ,7Ј-dimethyloctyloxy-p-phenylene vinylene ͑OC 1 C 10 PPV͒, while the latter using pristine ͓60͔PCBM. By integrating the LS-OFETs with n-channel OFETs, we are able to demonstrate various optoelectronic circuits including switches and logic gates such as NOT and OR. A unique characteristic of these gates is that the input signal͑s͒ can be designed to be either purely optical or a combination of electrical and optical. An additional advantage of this technology, and unlike any other organic-based photodetector, is that LS-OFETs can be integrated with the driving electronics ͑i.e., unipolar OFETs͒ in parallel and side by side employing the same number of processing steps, hence, eliminating the need of additional fabrication costs.
10Field-effect transistors were made using heavily doped Si ++ wafers as the glo...