“…Descriptive terms are oriented with reference to the genital orifice. Abbreviations follow Godwin-Austen (1900, 1919, Schileyko (2002), Pholyotha et al (2020) and Sutcharit et al (2021): ag, albumin gland; aldl, anterior left dorsal lobe; an, anus; at, atrium; da, dart apparatus; dp, dart papilla; e, epiphallus; ec, epiphallic caecum; fl, flagellum; fo, free oviduct; gs, gametolytic sac; h; heart; hd, hermaphroditic duct; hg, hermaphroditic gland; k, kidney; lsl, left shell lobe; ov, oviduct; p, penis; pg, prostate gland; pldl; posterior left dorsal lobe; pr, penial retractor muscle; ps, penial sculpture; psh, penial sheath; puv, pulmonary vein; pv, penial verge; r, rectum; rdl, right dorsal lobe; rsl, right shell lobe; ur, ureter; v, vagina; vd, vas deferens.…”