Abstract. We have compared the adhesive properties and integrin expression profiles of cultured human epidermal keratinocytes and a strain of nondifferentiating keratinocytes (ndk). Both cell types adhered to fibronectin, laminin, and collagen types I and IV, but ndk adhered more rapidly and at lower coating concentrations of the proteins . Antibody blocking experiments showed that adhesion of both cell types to fibronectin was mediated by the a5ß, integrin and to laminin by a 3ß1 in synergy with a2ß1 . Keratinocytes adhered to collagen with 01201, but an antibody to a2 did not inhibit adhesion of ndk to collagen . Both cell types adhered to vitronectin by a, containing integrins. Immunoprecipitation of surface-iodinated and metabolically labeled cells showed that in addition to a 2ß1, a3ß1, and a5ß1, both keratinocytes and ndk expressed a6ß4 and T HE integrins constitute a large family of cell surface molecules involved in cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. Integrins are heterodimers, consisting of non-covalently associated a and ß subunits, both of which are transmembrane glycoproteins (Hynes, 1987) . The integrins are presently classified on the basis that one ß subunit can associate with several different a subunits : the 01 and 03 subgroups are widely expressed and are principally involved in cell-matrix interactions, whereas 0, integrins are expressed on leukocytes and are involved in cell-cell interactions (reviewed by Hemler, 1990) . However, it is now apparent that one a subunit can also associate with different ß subunits, examples being the a6ß, and a6ß4 integrins (Sonnenberg et al ., 1988a,b ;Kajiji et al., 1989) and the a,ß,, C1 .ß3, or a,ß5 integrins (Bodary and McLean, 1990;Vogel et al., 1990;Cheresh et al., 1989 ;Ramaswamy et al., 1990) . Heterodimer composition is important in determining ligand specificity (Cheresh et al., 1989; Bodary andMcLean, 1990; Sonnenberg etal ., 1990x ;Vogel et al., 1990), but there is also evidence that the same integrin can have different functions when expressed on different cell types (Elices and Hemler, 1989;Languino et al., 1989).Dr. Adams' present address