Improving the efficiency of the process of train uncoupling remains one of the mosturgent problems in railway transport. The priority areas for solving this problem today include thedevelopment and implementation of integrated automation systems for hump technologies, the use ofartificial intelligence in decision support systems and procedures for calculating the controlparameters of car retarders. These systems provide high accuracy in designing and implementingcontrol actions, taking into account indeterminacy and multiple random parameters.However, a number of factors that are quite difficult to take into account, predict, or formalize.Such factors include the technical condition of rail car retarders, their random brakingcharacteristics, constant changes in wind speed and direction, the condition of wheel pairs, theresponse rate of hump operators, and others. These factors can have significant impact on the qualityof the marshalling process, even on automated marshalling humps.To increase the efficiency of the train uncoupling technology, researchers have developed anumber of scientific approaches and technical solutions: approaches to control using the equipmentfor controlling the speed of rolling uncoupled cars in automated mode have been formed, new designsof car retarders have been developed and the existing ones were improved, optimizing methods forbraking modes of uncoupled cars, the longitudinal profile of marshalling humps and the design ofhump necks have been proposed.
The introduction of target gravity braking technology for uncouples cars is one of the ways toimprove the efficiency of the marshalling process. This technology can be implemented provided thata special profile design of the marshalling device is used.To determine the conditions for applying the target gravity braking technology for uncoupledcars, simulation modeling of rolling of model cars in favorable and unfavorable meteorologicalconditions was carried out.The results of simulation modeling showed that the proposed technology can be definitely used,if the number of tracks in the marshalling yard is up to 32 and estimated wind speeds up to 6 m/s,when it provides an uncoupling rate of up to 1,8 m/s. If the marshalling yard has a larger number oftracks and/or in case of powerful winds, the technology can be applied if the uncoupling rate isreduced. In this case, the feasibility of using the technology should be verified with technical andeconomic calculations.