The purpose of this article is to propose a new taxonomy and selection of structured analytictechniques for information and intelligence analysis practitioners. The presented taxonomyand selection of structured analytic techniques are based on the author’s experience in informationand intelligence analysis as well as in training analysts in the use of those techniques.The presented classification and selection of techniques have resulted from the author’sattempts to improve teaching and learning process of the analysts who were novice to structuredanalytic techniques. From the author’s experience, a well-constructed taxonomy aidsnovice analysts in understanding a purpose of used techniques and selecting the best-suitedtechnique for a given analytic problem. In the article the author will first offer definitions ofanalysis, analytic process and analytic spectrum. This will be followed by a review of the fourgeneral categories of analytic methods used in intelligence analysis. The author will furtherexplain the origins, concepts and characteristics of both structured analysis and structuredanalytic techniques. Next, structured analytic techniques will be discussed in the context ofthe Intelligence Cycle. Following this, the author will review several existing taxonomies ofstructured analytic techniques. The article will conclude with a taxonomy and a selection oftechniques for the information and intelligence analysis practitioners, based on a review ofthe literature augmented by the author’s professional experience.