Label-free quantification (LFQ) is one of the most efficient approaches for quantifying proteome differences between multiple states of a biological system. LFQ aims to reproducibly identify and quantify peptides through multiple liquid-chromatography-coupled tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) experiments. In the popular data-dependent acquisition (DDA) approach named Top-N DDA, the appearance of a peptide-like signal in a "survey" mass spectrum triggers a tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) event, targeting the (N) most-abundant precursor ions. Previous studies have shown that, due to the limited speed of a mass spectrometer, the majority of peptide ions detected in MS 1 are not targeted in MS/MS, especially when a nonfractionated complex sample is analyzed (1, 2). This low sampling efficiency (Ͻ50%), combined with the stochastic nature of precursor selection and a limited efficiency of MS/MS identification (Ͻ70%) (3), frequently causes the absence of MS/MS identification for an individual peptide in some LC-MS/MS experiments ("runs") within a larger dataset, even when replicate measurements are made (4). This deficiency is known as the missing value problem in LFQ. The problem significantly limits the size of the DDA-acquired proteomics dataset across which reliable quantification can be made for each protein (5, 6).One of the causes of the missing value problem is the traditional focus on the process of identifying a peptide as opposed to its quantification. For historical reasons, peptide sequence identification has been considered the focal point and the most important step in the whole proteomics procedure, while quantification came as almost an afterthought (7,8). This dominant proteomics paradigm can be characterized as the identification-centered approach, also known as a spectrum-centric approach (9). Only gradually the missing value problem has been identified as one of the biggest drawbacks of the DDA approach (4, 5). To address the reproducibility issue in MS/MS identification, several alternative data acquisition strategies had been suggested, including targeted (10) and semi-targeted (11, 12) approaches. However, none of the improved DDA strategies has solved the missing value problem anywhere close to the data-independent acquisition (DIA) (13,14). The latter approach, however, typically provides somewhat lower depth and breadth of the proteome coverage than the DDA methods.In our opinion, the DDA-associated missing value problem is caused by the sequential execution of two independent processes: peptide identification by MS/MS and its quantification by MS 1 . At first glance, performing MS 1 -based quantification simultaneously with MS/MS identification should provide an obvious solution to the missing value problem. Since MS 1 spectra contain many more peptide ions than are selected for MS/MS in DDA (or identified in DIA), the peptide's mass information is practically always present when an iden-