Owing to the worldwide mass growth and environmental global changes, the development of sustainable materials for advanced technologies must be accelerated to satisfy the mankind needs and as well as limit the impact of climate change. So, going to this sense, here, it is discussed the valorization of an earth rich material named as bauxite ore, which is highly localized in many lands of Republic of Guinea and as well as in other cities in the world. In fact, as a result of our survey, it found that this raw material (Bauxite ore) might be considered as a potential or strategical source for intelligent hybrid materials engineering for a wide range of ways for the advanced technologies development. It found that, Bauxite ore is main source of both aluminum (Al), and aluminum oxides (Al2O3). these products have larger applications in our daily life, including catalysis, medical, environmental, and as well as in aerospace applications. And a by-product is generated under Jesef Bayer process of Bauxite ore processing, which is the (red mud) that stay a very challenge in this process. However, it could be a potential material as catalyst or a catalyst component for other industrial technologies. Therefore, in this paper, it is revised to the bauxite to (Al2O3/Al) as an alternative strategical materials engineering for high-tech uses.