Service Oriented Architecture, and its most common implementation method Web services, has not seen widespread use on wireless mobile systems and smart devices that are characterized by less computational resources such as small computing devices and limited power and wireless networks characteristics like low bandwidth which is often ad hoc and unreliable. Web services are commonly realized on computer systems where processing resources and network bandwidth are not a limitation.Android is one of the largest open-source operating systems for smart devices, but lacks native support for the SOAP protocol. Google has shown, to date, little interest in adding a SOAP library to Android. This could be because they would rather support the current trends in Web Services toward REST-based services, and using JSON as a data encapsulation format or using XMPP for messaging. However, this is a conjecture subject to future research. SOAP is the backbone protocol of Web services hence this thesis will focus in supporting SOAP on the android platform. We will explore and compare different transport protocols and compression techniques in order to achieve an efficient technique for SOAP messaging. The experiment will be done on mobile broadband (second, third and fourth generations) and Wi-Fi to examine the effects the different combinations has on CPU load and battery usage of the Android device, and the network load.