'The infrared intensity of the C=S group in P-cyanopyridine co~nplexes with some first-row transition metal ions (Zn(II), Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(1 I), Fe(II), and Mn(I1)) in aqueous solution has been measured. The coordination between the nitrogen atom on the pyridine ring and these metal ions exerts a marked change in the magnitude of the band intensity of the functional group. This can be interpreted in terms of a simple molecular orbital model and the relative magnitudes of o-bonding arid T-bonding involved in the con~plexes. A "coordination constant" is introduced for this system, and a linear correlation between these constants and the C S V band intensities of the metal complexes is obtained from both the experimental data and theoretical considerations.The intensities of the infrared absorption band associated with the C=N functionaI group vibration in aliphatic and aromatic cyanides have been studied to a considerable extent (1-5). In particular, studies of the C=N band infrared intensities in a number of substituted benzonitriles showed that substituents on the ring exerted a pronounced effect on the magnitude of the functional group intensity; electron-reIeasing substituents enhanced the functional group intensity, whereas electron-attracting substituents loxvered the intensity.The correlation of the intensity variations in substituted benzonitriles with the socalled "substitution constants" (6) has also been studied. The results suggest that there is an essentially linear relation between the logarithm of the intensity and the substitution constant for both nleta-and para-substituted conlpounds in various solvents.In the present investigation, the intensities of the C=N band in heterocyclic cl-anides were studied. 0-Cyanopyridine was chosen as a starting point for these studies. An attempt has been made to determine the effects of coordination bet\\reen the nitrogen atoll1 on the pyridine ring and some first-row transition illeta1 ions on the C=N band intensity. A sinlple molecular orbital model is presented; this model is used to give a quantitative treatnlent of the data for the system, for \vhich purpose a "coordination constant" is introduced. EXPERIMENTAL illaterials 0-Cyanopyridine, supplied by the L. Light and Co. Ltd., was recrystallized three times from etherpetroleum ether (60-68") mixture.Pyridine, reagent grade supplied by British Drug Houses (Canada) Ltd., was dried over potash overnight and then redistilled twice.3-Pyridinol, supplied by Aldrich Chemical Co. Inc., \\.as recrystallized twice in absolute alcohol and then purified by sublimation.Most of the transition metal salts were nitrates supplied by the G. Frederick Slnith Chem. Co., and were recrystallized from water several times.Deuterium oxide was obtained from hIerck Sharp and Dohme of Canada Ltd., and had a n assay of 9'J.7y0 ' 0 2 0 .Carbonate-free potassium hydroxide solution for the p H titration was prepared by the method of Schvvarzenbacll (7).Canadian Journal of Cl~elnistry. J'oluine 44 (19fjG) 1407 Can. J. Chem. D...