The shared memory and semaphores of inter-process communication in Linux system are used as the pipeline to couple the WRF, POM and WW3 models. The forcing from atmosphere to sea and wave, the changes in atmospheric underlying surface induced by ocean and the wave-induced mixing are all involved in the high-resolution fully coupled typhoon model. The typhoon ‘KAEMI’ is taken as a simulated example and the outcomes are compared with the available observation data to verify the good performance of the fully coupled model. The results show that after the spin-up, the coupled model could reproduce the typhoon, and the simulated surface lowest pressure, wind speed and track are all consistent with the observations. Meanwhile, the model can also have a good performance about the sea surface temperature cooling and the significant wave height. The simulated errors are related to the microphysical process parameterizations, the large initial fields, the construction of bogus typhoon and the physical process parameterization in upper ocean.