Purpose: To explore and conceptualize the nature of intentionality in the context of healing through the descriptive experiences of nonnurse professional care providers and natural healers and to determine if the previously developed theory (intentionality: the matrix of healing [IMH]) was supported or needed revision. Method: Ten care providers and two natural healers were interviewed. Data were analyzed using a modified grounded theory—constant comparative method. Coding, memos, diagraming, and concept development were used to compare these results with the previous two cohorts. The study had institutional review board approval. Results: The theory of IMH was supported. All cohorts agreed that intentionality is essential for healing and similar to, but different from and greater than, intention. The core process of nonlinear expanding personal development, viewed as both an attribute and the core process, is now called dynamic differentiation. The theory IMH describes intentionality as a dynamically evolving process that creates the energy, shape, and structure, or matrix, for intention, actions, and healing.