ZUSAMMENFASSUNGZiel Vergleich von Messgenauigkeit und Interobserver-Variabilität in der computertomografischen Beurteilung von hepatozellulären Karzinomen (HCC) und Lebermetastasen vor und nach transarteriellen selektiven Therapien.
Material und MethodenRetrospektive Studie an 72 Patienten mit malignen Leberläsionen (42 Metastasen, 30 HCC) vor und nach Therapie mit SIRT (n = 42) oder TACE (n = 29).Etablierte (LAD, SAD, WHO) und Vitalitäts-assoziierte Größenparameter (mRECIST, mLAD, mSAD, EASL) wurden manuell und semiautomatisch von zwei Auswertern bestimmt. Die relative Interobserverdifferenz (RID) und der Intraclass Korrelationskoeffizient (ICC) wurden berechnet.Ergebnisse Die mediane RID der Vitalitäts-assoziierten Parameter war für die semiautomatischen niedriger als für die manuellen Messverfahren, im Einzelnen: für mLAD 3,4 % gegenüber 12,5 %; für mSAD 5,7 % gegenüber 12,7 %; für This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
ABSTR AC TPurpose To compare measurement precision and interobserver variability in the evaluation of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and liver metastases in MSCT before and after transarterial local ablative therapies.
Materials and MethodsRetrospective study of 72 patients with malignant liver lesions (42 metastases; 30 HCCs) before and after therapy (43 SIRT procedures; 29 TACE procedures). Established (LAD; SAD; WHO) and vitality-based parameters (mRECIST; mLAD; mSAD; EASL) were assessed manually and semi-automatically by two readers. The relative interobserver difference (RID) and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were calculated.Results The median RID for vitality-based parameters was lower from semi-automatic than from manual measurement of mLAD (manual 12.5 %; semi-automatic 3.4 %), mSAD (manual 12.7 %; semi-automatic 5.7 %) and EASL (manual 10.4 %; semi-automatic 1.8 %). The difference in established parameters was not statistically noticeable (p > 0.05). The ICCs of LAD (manual 0.984; semi-automatic 0.982), SAD (manual 0.975; semi-automatic 0.958) and WHO (manual 0.984; semi-automatic 0.978) are high, both in manual and semi-automatic measurements. The ICCs of manual measurements of mLAD (0.897), mSAD (0.844) and EASL (0.875) are lower. This decrease cannot be found in semi-automatic measurements of mLAD (0.997), mSAD (0.992) and EASL (0.998).Conclusion Vitality-based tumor measurements of HCC and metastases after transarterial local therapies should be performed semi-automatically due to greater measurement precision, thus increasing the reproducibility and in turn the reliability of therapeutic decisions.