The GxE interaction is one of the major difficulties of plant breeding programs, both in the selection phase and in the recommendation of cultivars. To assess adaptability and stability, various statistical methods are used. The simultaneous use of some methodologies, using multi-information criteria for cultivar’s recommendation, can extract information that cannot be observed using each methodology separately. The aim of this work was to perform a large description of the behavior of flooded-irrigated rice genotypes, responding to environmental variations, using methods already established in the literature, but exploring the particularities of each methodology that together establish an information criterion for cultivar recommendation. To this end, 18 rice genotypes belonging to flood-irrigated rice breeding program were evaluated over four agricultural years, 2012/2013 to 2015/2016, totaling 12 environments (3 sites × 4 years). Multi-information estimates were performed to adaptability and stability analysis. There was no sign for the effect of the genotypes, and there was the significance of the effects of environment and GxE interaction. The aggregation of information and the large description of the behavior of the flooded rice genotypes demonstrated to be an efficient tool for studies of adaptability and stability.