Abstract. The 3 and 4-electron states of a gated semiconducting carbon nanotube quantum dot are calculated by exact diagonalisation of a modified effective mass Hamiltonian. A typical nanotube quantum dot is examined and the few-electron states are Wigner molecule-like. The exact diagonalisation method and the rate of convergence of the calculation are discussed.
IntroductionIn a gated semiconductor nanotube (SNT) quantum dot, electrons or holes are confined electrostatically. The occupancy of this type of dot can be precisely controlled and, importantly, a semiconducting nanotube dot can be completely emptied of electrons. This means that SNT quantum dots are excellent systems in which to study the physics of a few interacting particles.Like traditional semiconductor quantum dots, SNT dots behave like artificial atoms but there are some differences that make semiconducting carbon nanotube dots unique. First, the SNT bandstructure is unusual, primarily because nanotubes are rolled graphene sheets and the nanotube bandstructure is derived from that of graphene. Second, the geometry of SNT dots is also unusual: the nanotube length is very much greater than its diameter and so SNT dots are quasi-1 dimensional objects. In Ref. [1] we demonstrated that the electronic correlation was large in a large proportion of all physically accessible SNT quantum dots. Taken together with the tube geometry, this means that SNT dots are ideal systems in which to observe quasi-1D Wigner (or all-electron) molecules.In our approach, we describe the few particle states in a SNT quantum dot with a 1 dimensional, 2 band, effective mass Hamiltonian [1]. However, because the electron correlation is strong and the few-particle states are Wigner molecule-like, care must be taken in the calculation of the electron states: exact diagonalisation, or configuration interaction (CI), techniques must be used to include the correlation effects correctly. In this paper we give an overview of our effective mass description of SNT dots and then discuss the exact diagonalisation scheme in detail. We examine the convergence of the few-electron states and discuss a way of truncating the full CI basis which improves the convergence of the few-electron energy.