The proposal of pilgrim dark energy is based on the speculation that phantom-like dark energy (with strong enough resistive force) can prevent black hole formation in the universe. We explore this phenomenon in the loop quantum cosmology framework by taking pilgrim dark energy with a Hubble horizon. We evaluate the cosmological parameters such as the Hubble parameter, the equation of state parameter, the squared speed of sound, and also cosmological planes like ω ϑ -ω ϑ and r -s on the basis of the pilgrim dark energy parameter (u) and the interacting parameter (d 2 ). It is found that the values of the Hubble parameter lie in the range 74 +0.005 −0.005 . It is mentioned here that the equation of state parameter lies within the ranges −1 ∓ 0.00005 for u = 2, 1 and (−1.12, −1), (−5, −1) for u = −1, −2, respectively. Also, the ω ϑ -ω ϑ planes provide a CDM limit, and freezing and thawing regions for all cases of u. It is also interesting to mention here that the ω ϑ -ω ϑ planes lie in the range (ω ϑ = −1.13 +0.24 −0.25 , ω ϑ < 1.32). In addition, the r -s planes also correspond to CDM for all cases of u. Finally, it is remarked that all the above constraints of the cosmological parameters (corresponding to u = ±2, ±1 and d 2 = 0.2 +1 −1 ) show consistency with different observational data like Planck, WP, BAO, H 0 , SNLS, and nine-year WMAP.