Neutron irradiation of zirconium alloys leads to the formation of high
densities of small dislocation loops. Their interactions with gliding dislocations are
responsible for hardening and early necking of the material. Multi-scale numerical
simulations of the interactions between dislocations and loops are undertaken to predict
the mechanical properties evolution of these materials due to irradiation. Molecular
dynamics simulations are first performed to assess the critical ingredients needed for
dislocation dynamics simulations. Appropriate models and associated coefficients are
then introduced in dislocation dynamics simulations in order to reliably reproduce
the dislocation line energy, the cross-slip process from basal to prismatic planes and
the mobility of straight and jogged dislocations. Based on this parametrization,
interactions between dislocation and loops are finally computed with the two numerical
methods. Careful comparisons between the two types of simulation show qualitative
and quantitative agreement, opening the path to investigations of irradiation effects at
the grain scale through large scale dislocation dynamics simulations.