Mathematical modelling of the cardiovascular system (CVS) can help in understanding the complex interactions between both the ventricles and the septum. By describing the behaviour of the left (right) ventricular free wall, atria and septum using the variable elastance models, it is possible to reproduce their interactions. By relating the mechanical properties of both atria and both ventricles to the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal, it is possible to analyse the effects produced by different ECG delay on haemodynamic parameters. In the cardiovascular field, the incorrect interactions between septum and both ventricular free walls are based on many pathological conditions, i.e. symptomatic heart failure resulting from systolic dysfunction, ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy, and so on. The possible corrections that can be induced on the QRS complex duration in the ECG signal (i.e. cardiac resynchronisation therapy, CRT) can produce benefits improving the clinical status of the patient. The aim of this work was to evaluate, using our numerical simulator of the CVS, the effects induced on coronary blood flow (CBF) and aortic pressure using different ECG times, intra-ventricular and inter-ventricular delays. The results were obtained by reproducing the circulatory baseline and CRT conditions of seven patients described in literature. Haemodynamic simulated results are in accordance with literature data. Also the controversial results on CBF, in presence of CRT, are consistent with those described in the literature.