He has participated in projects like the open source Image-guided Surgical Toolkit (igstk.org) and microrobots for NOTES (minimally-invasive) surgery. In teaching and scholarship, Dr. Gary has created the Software Enterprise, an experiential learning model which blends multiple methods of delivery into one pedagogical model. The Software Enterprise has received significant support and generated several publications, and forms the core project spine within the BS in Software Engineering at ASU. Dr. Gary is the former Associate Chair for Computing in the Department of Engineering, and remains active curricular design and implementation.c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016
Work-in-Progress: A Student Activity Dashboard for Ensuring Project-based Learning ComplianceAbstract Project-based learning is an effective pedagogical tool for software engineering education. Students working in small teams may leverage an industry-practiced software process methodology to define, design, construct, and validate a quality software product. In a projectbased environment, students learn both technical competencies in the face of a complex scalable problem, but also contextual knowledge of how process mechanisms help manage that complexity. However, teaching in a project-based environment presents several challenges. The focus of this paper is on the learning process that runs concurrently, and is co-dependent upon, a project's software development lifecycle process. In this approach, student adherence to a set of learning activities in the conduct of a project is considered from a protocol compliance perspective, borrowing vocabulary from clinical domain. This WIP paper reports on the use of a web-based tool to encourage protocol compliance.