To test a multicluster approach for halo nuclei, we give a unified description for the ground states of 6 He and 8 He in a model comprising an α cluster and singleneutron clusters. The intercluster wave function is taken a superposition of terms belonging to different arrangements, each defined by a set of Jacobi coordinates. Each term is then a superposition of products of gaussian functions of the individual Jacobi coordinates with different widths, projected to angular momenta l = 0 or 1. To avoid excessively large dimensions and "overcompleteness", stochastic methods were tested for selecting the gaussians spanning the basis. For 6 He, we were able to calculate ground-state energies that are virtully exact within the subspace defined by the arrangements and l values, and we found that preselected random sets of bases (with or without simulated annealing) yield excellent numerical convergence to this "exact" value with thoroughly truncated bases. For 8 He good energy convergence was achieved in a state space comprising three arrangements with all l = 0, and there are indications showing that the contributions of other subspaces are likely to be small. The 6 He and 8 He energies are reproduced by the same effective force very well, and the matter radii obtained are similar to those of other sophisticated calculations. * Permanent address.