Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs) may generate oxidative stress, vasoconstriction and inflammation. To reduce these undesirable vasoactive properties, we increased hemoglobin (Hb) molecular size by genetic engineering with octameric Hb, recombinant (r) HbbG83C. We investigate the potential side effects of rHbbG83C on endothelial cells. The rHbbG83C has no impact on cell viability, and induces a huge repression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene transcription, a marker of vasomotion. No induction of Intermolecular-Adhesion Molecule 1 and E-selectin (inflammatory markers) transcription was seen. In the presence of rHbbG83C, the transcription of heme oxygenase-1 (oxidative stress marker) is weakly increased compared to the two other HBOCs (references) or Voluven (control). This genetically engineered octameric Hb, based on a human Hb bG83C mutant, leads to little impact at the level of endothelial cell inflammatory response and thus appears as an interesting molecule for HBOC development.ß 2014 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Acade ´mie des sciences.
R E ´S U M E Ĺestransporteurs d'oxyge `ne a `base d'he ´moglobine (HBOCs) peuvent induire stress oxydant, vasoconstriction et inflammation. Afin de re ´duire ces proprie ´te ´s vasoactives inde ´sirables, nous avons augmente ´, par ge ´nie ge ´ne ´tique, la taille mole ´culaire de l'he ´moglobine (Hb) produisant une Hb octame ´rique recombinante (r), la rHbbG83C. La rHbbG83C n'a pas d'impact sur la viabilite ´des cellules endothe ´liales et induit une re ´pression tre `s importante de la transcription du ge `ne de la NO synthase (marqueur de Abbreviations: HBOCs, hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers; Dex-BTC-Hb, human Hb conjugated to dextran benzene tetracarboxylate macromolecules; eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase; ICAM-1, intermolecular-adhesion molecule 1; HUVEC, human umbilical vein endothelial cells; PS, phosphatidylserine; PI, propidium iodide; HO, heme oxygenase.