Binding of fibronectin to the small proteoglycan decorin plays an important role in cell differentiation and cell migration. The cartilage-specific (V؉C) ؊ fibronectin isoform, in which nucleotides that normally encode the protein segments V, III 15 , and I 10 are spliced out, is one of the major splice variants present in cartilage matrices. Full-length and truncated cDNA constructs were used to express recombinant versions of fibronectin. Results demonstrated that the (V؉C) ؊ isoform has a higher affinity for decorin. Dissociation constants for decorin and fibronectin interaction were calculated to be 93 nM for the V ؉ C ؉ isoform and 24 nM and 223 nM for (V؉C) ؊ fibronectin. Because heparin competed with decorin competitively, binding of decorin to fibronectin likely occurs at a heparin-binding region. We propose that alternative splicing of the V and C regions changes the global conformation of fibronectin in such a way that it opens an additional decorin-binding site. This conformational change is responsible for the higher affinity of the (V؉C) ؊ fibronectin isoform for decorin.Fibronectin (FN) 1 is a major constituent of extracellular matrices in many tissues. The FN protein is folded into a series of globular homologous repeats of three distinct types (I, II, and III) composed of approximately 45, 60, and 90 amino acids, respectively ( Fig. 1A) (1). It is secreted as a dimer with two interchain disulfides formed at the C terminus (2, 3). Although there are multiple isoforms of FN produced by different cell types, a single gene encodes all of these variants (4). The molecular heterogeneity of FN protein results primarily from alternative splicing of its pre-mRNA and different dimerization patterns (5). The (VϩC) Ϫ isoform lacks protein segments V, III 15 , and I 10 and forms primarily homodimers (6, 7).Studies of FN in cartilage and other tissues have revealed that expression of (VϩC) Ϫ FN is tightly linked to the cartilaginous phenotype (8). In articulator cartilage, the (VϩC) Ϫ isoform represents 55-80% of total tissue FN. RNase protection assays determined that steady-state levels of canine (VϩC) Ϫ FN mRNA range from 11% of total FN in the nucleus pulpous to 71% in the rib, with expression of this isoform rapidly lost if chondrocytes are cultured as monolayers and allowed to dedifferentiate (8). These data suggest that the (VϩC) Ϫ isoform plays an important role in cartilage matrix organization and perhaps even in regulating or maintaining the differentiated phenotype of chondrocytes.The protein structure of FN can be related to its known functions. In different tissues, FN has a role in cell adhesion and differentiation, wound healing, blood clotting, cell migration, and spreading (9, 10). The high affinity heparin-binding site (Hep II) is located within the C-terminal half of the molecule in domains III 12-14 with a K d close to 10 nM, although reported dissociation constants vary widely (11-14). Small proteoglycans (PG) have been reported to bind to plasma FN, presumably at the heparin-binding sites...