The processes occurring a t high power GO, laser pulse irradiation (1 = 10.6 pm, t--100 ns) of electron-hole drops (EHD) in Ge are analyzed. It is shown that the features of the recombination radiation and microwave conductivity kinetics of the sample after CO, laser pulse at intensities up to lo5 to lo6 W/cmZ are associated with recondensation of the evaporated E H D and with a phonon wind produced driving of nonequilibrium carriers. A theoretical model of phonon wind is suggested taking into account the delay between emission and absorption of the phonons. I n comparing the theory with experiments a portion of the IR radiation quanta energy involved in the phonon wind generation is determined. The thermalisation channels of hot carriers are analysed. naaepaoro YLIC Y I~J I Y Y~H M R (GO, nasep, A = 10,6 pm, ti = 100 ns) Ha ~J I~I E T P O H H O -, Q~I -M~J I Y Y~H E I F I II CBY II~OBOAHMOCTM o6pa3ua nocne KeHcTBm naaep~oro mwnynbca n p~ 1 -AHaJI1113MpYIOTCR IIpOUeCCbI, JIpOIlCXOnRWMe IIpM B03,QefiCTBEIM MOWHOrO HMIlyJTbCHOrO pOYHbIe HaIIJIH(3a4K) B Ge. BbIRCHeHO, YTO OCO6eHHOCTM ICMHeTMICH peKOM6HHaUMOHHOrO HHTeHCHBHOCTRX lo5-lo6 W/Cm2 CBR3aHbI C peHOHAeHCaJJHe% MClIapHBlIIMXCfl 3 a K EI C J'BJIeqeHEIeM HepaBHOBeCHbIX HOCMTeJIefi #OHOHHbIM BeTpOM. npe&JlOEK!Ha TeOpeTMYeCKaR MOnen b (POHOHHOI'O BeTpa, YYMTb1BBH)WaR 3alIa3EbIBaHMe MeXCHy MCJIyCKaHMeM M IlOrJrO-WeHEIeM #OHOHOB. kl3 COlIOCTaBJIeHHR TeOpEIll C 3KCIIePMMeHTOM OlIpe,QeJleHa AOJIR 3Hep-rEIM IZBaHTOB klH II3JIYYeHHH, MWWaR Ha 06pa30BaHMe #OHOHHOI'O BeTpa, IlpOaHaJIM3MpO-BaHbI KaH3JIbI TepManM3aJJMM r0PRqMX HOCMTenefi.