www.nature.com/scientificreports www.nature.com/scientificreports/ cluster increases at viral particle attachment sites. Our data suggests that viral particles use an entry platform containing integrin α6 for virus attachment and integrin α3 for internalisation.
Resultsintegrin α3 is required for HPV16 infection of keratinocytes. To clarify the role of integrin α3 in the infection of keratinocytes, we infected integrin α3 depleted HaCaT cells by incubation with HPV16 pseudovirions (PsVs). For positive control, cells were depleted from integrin α6, which is required for infection of HeLa and KH-SV cells 5,21 . In Western blot analysis, knockdown reduced integrin α6 and integrin α3 protein levels by 87% and 97%, respectively ( Fig. S1). Intracellular processing of the L1 virus capsid protein was monitored by Western blot analysis and by microscopy. In the Western blots, we quantified the ~25 kDa cleavage product of L1, which is generated only after internalization and lysosomal degradation of the virus 22 . As seen in Fig. 1A, knockdown of integrin α3 and integrin α6 reduced the cleavage product by 73% and 44%, respectively. For microscopy, we employed antibody-detection of the L1-7 epitope, which only becomes detectable after intracellular capsid disassembly 4,23 . Knockdown of either one of the integrins reduced the number of L1-7 positive organelles to about 65% ( Fig. 1B,C). Moreover, organelles were slightly dimmer ( Fig. S2), suggesting that apart from less forming endocytic organelles the viral load per organelle diminishes.Next, we employed a luciferase-based infection assay to test whether less uptake and processing of the L1 protein would be associated with a lower infection rate. Infection is inhibited by 88% and 67% after integrin α3 and integrin α6 knockdown, respectively ( Fig. 1D). It should be noted that integrin knockdown has secondary effects ( Fig. S3). Still, after correcting for these secondary effects, knockdown of each integrin more than halves the infection rate ( Fig. S3). These experiments demonstrate that apart from integrin α6, integrin α3 plays a role in HPV infection of HaCaT cells as well. However, in Western blot analysis testing PsVs cell-surface primary binding only the knockdown of integrin α6 strongly inhibits binding by 40% ( Fig. 2), suggesting each of these integrins is differently involved during infection.PsVs associate with cluster crowds. Next, we asked whether PsV particles are closer to their potential binding partner integrin α6, and analysed the distances between PsVs and CD151/integrin maxima. On membrane sheets, PsVs are often close to or overlap with CD151 or integrin α6 maxima (Fig. 4A,B). Most distances are in the range of several 100 nm ( Fig. 4C), with no trend towards shorter distances to integrin α6 maxima. Also, no maxima preference is observed on PsVs/CD151/integrin α3 stainings of cells ( Fig. 4D-F), or PsVs/ CD151-GFP/integrin α3 stainings on membrane sheets (Fig. S11). Moreover, it should be noted that PsVs diminish the level of CD151 and integrins by 10-...