Polar liPids of RUANIA ALBIDIFLAVA, a novEl MEMBEr of thE suBordEr MICROCOCCINEAE Ruania albidiflava represents a novel species and new genus within the suborder Micrococcineae in Actinobacteria classis. The aim of the studies was to establish a polar lipid profile of Ruania and to compare it with other representatives of actinobacteria. Additionally, isolation, purification and chemical characteristics of major lipid compounds were elaborated. Major lipids were isolated using column adsorption chromatography and purified by TLC and high performance liquid chromatography. The polar lipids of Ruania were phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol and two unknown lipids containing sugar and phosphorus. GLC-Ms and methylation analysis of sugar part of major glycolipids revealed the presence of glycerol, inositol; and terminal residues of mannose and galactosamine. Fatty acids were mainly iso and anteiso C15:0 branched. Comparative TLC showed its glycolipid profile of Ruania different from previously reported for Rothia, Arthrobacter, Micrococcus and Propionibacterium, but was similar to Oerskovia which belongs to Micrococcineae suborder.