The thermal unfolding of myosin subfragment 1 (S1) cleaved by trypsin was studied by differential scanning calorimetry. In the absence of nucleotides, trypsin splits the S1 heavy chain into three fragments (25, 50, and 20 kDa). This cleavage has no appreciable influence on the thermal unfolding of S1 examined in the presence of ADP, in the ternary complexes of S1 with ADP and phosphate analogs, such as orthovanadate (V i ) or beryllium fluoride (BeF x ), and in the presence of F-actin. In the presence of ATP and in the complexes S1AEADPAEV i or S1AEADPAEBeF x , trypsin produces two additional cleavages in the S1 heavy chain: a faster cleavage in the N-terminal region between Arg23 and Ile24, and a slower cleavage at the 50 kDa fragment. It has been shown that the N-terminal cleavage strongly decreases the thermal stability of S1 by shifting the maximum of its thermal transition by about 7°C to a lower temperature, from 50°C to 42.4°C, whereas the cleavage at both these sites causes dramatic destabilization of the S1 molecule leading to total loss of its thermal transition. Our results show that S1 with ATP-induced N-terminal cleavage is able, like uncleaved S1, to undergo global structural changes in forming the stable ternary complexes with ADP and P i analogs (V i , BeF x ). These changes are reflected in a pronounced increase of S1 thermal stability. However, S1 cleaved by trypsin in the N-terminal region is unable, unlike S1, to undergo structural changes induced by interaction with F-actin that are expressed in a 4-5°C shift of the S1 thermal transition to higher temperature. Thus, the cleavage between Arg23 and Ile24 does not significantly affect nucleotide-induced structural changes in the S1, but it prevents structural changes that occur when S1 is bound to F-actin. The results suggest that the N-terminal region of the S1 heavy chain plays an important role in structural stabilization of the entire motor domain of the myosin head, and a long-distance communication pathway may exist between this region and the actin-binding sites.Keywords: myosin subfragment 1; thermal unfolding; differential scanning calorimetry.Cyclic association-dissociation of actin and myosin coupled with ATP hydrolysis by myosin ATPase is the most essential process of muscle contraction. The globular head of myosin, called subfragment 1 or S1, where both the nucleotide-and actin-binding sites of the molecule are located, is responsible for the generation of force during contraction. The function of the myosin head as a Ômole-cular motorÕ is explained by significant conformational changes, which occur in the head during ATPase reaction and alter the character of actin-myosin interaction [1,2]. Thus the description of nucleotide-and actin-induced structural changes in the myosin head is essential for the understanding of the motor mechanism.Among a variety of methods employed, the method of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is especially useful for probing global structural changes that occur in the myosin head due to interactio...