The solvation of ions in a dielectric continuum is symmetric with respect to the sign of the ionic charge. Yet, many phenomena show indirect evidence that water may have a preference for negative charge: the vast majority of biological membrane interfaces are neutral or negatively charged, [1] water reorientation dynamics around anions and cations is different, [2] and the zero charge point of water is usually well below pH 7 at hydrophobic/water interfaces. [3] There is undoubtedly a link to the asymmetry of the water molecule. Here, we spectroscopically quantify differences between the structures of hydration shells and hydrophobic/ water interfaces induced by ions of opposite charge but essentially identical molecular structure. We show that these two ions, tetraphenylborate (TPB À ) and tetraphenylarsonium (TPA + ), interact dramatically differently with water and its interface: The anion is preferentially hydrated and induces greater orientational order to water near hydrophobic interfaces. In contrast, the cation forms far fewer and weaker p À H bonds than the anion and strongly reduces the orientational order of water near a hydrophobic interface.The vast majority of lipid (cell) membranes, macromolecules, and their interfaces are either neutral or negatively charged. [1] The hydrophobic-water surface carries a negative charge, and the point of zero charge of most interfaces occurs at very low pH values. [4][5][6] The hydration free energies [7][8][9] and entropies [8,10] of anions are calculated to be significantly more negative than those of cations of similar size. Moreover, the dynamics of water reorientation and hydrogen-bond exchange is quite different around positive and negative ions. [2,11] Both experiments and simulations indicate that ions of different size, structure, and charge partition differently at aqueous interfaces. [12,13] In addition to ion polarization, the surface potential at an air-water interface has been proposed to be one of the driving forces that favors anion adsorption. [9,14,15] Although specific ion (i.e. Hofmeister) effects exist for both negative and positive ions, and although they typically correlate with differences in size, polarizability, and/or charge density, [16] specific ion effects are generally smaller for positive ions than for negative ions, [17] thus suggesting an inherent asymmetry in the interaction of water with positive and negative ions. Yet, water is often treated as a dielectric continuum. [18] The implied charge asymmetry is undoubtedly related to waters dipolar character and highly directional hydrogenbonding proclivity. Although electrostatic interactions are symmetric with respect to charge exchange, hydrogen-bonding interactions are not symmetric with respect to solute charge, as water preferentially donates hydrogen bonds to anions (OÀH···X À ). Moreover, hydrogen bonding is highly cooperative (non-additive) in the sense that the average energy per hydrogen bond in water clusters increases nonlinearly with the total number of hydrogen bonds. [19...