This curve coincides closely with that of pK, curves (curves B ) of di-nalkylanilines ~oncerned.5-~ However, the curves of the characteristic maxima of ultraviolet absorption, x ,,,.(curve C), and the equilibrium constant of the addition reactions of di-n-alkylanilines with trinitrobenzene (curve 0) are quite different from the above curves A arid B, as shown in Fig. 4. 5 Therefore, it might be concluded that tlie mode of the deconiposition of Bzz02 with dialkylanilines is similar to that of the occurrelice of basicity (pK,) of these substituted anilincs.The driving force of the latter reaction is an affinity of proton to the lone pair of the nitrogen atom of these anilines. This conclusion is in accordance with our interpretation on the decomposition mode of Bz202 in the presence of di-n-alkylaniline, whose intermediate is (III)
Reactivity Constants in CopolymerizationSince the publication of "A Modified Method of Deriving tlie Reactivity Constants r1 and i-2 in Copolymerization" (this journal, 14, 508, 1954), we have received enquiries from several quarters asking whether there is any theoretical significance in the selection of tali e as the function for computation of these values. While the idea of selecting some function of the angle of intersection has been generally appreciated as a solution towards eliminating the personal element in weighting the different intersections, it must be stated that the choice of this function was purely arbitrary and empirical. The rnodification was primarily intended for a comparison purpose of ascertaining the small dxerences in the values of rl and rz a t different temperatures after giving a uniform treatment to the