Porous media containing voids which can be filled with
gas and/or
liquids are ubiquitous in our everyday life: soils, wood, bricks,
concrete, sponges, and textiles. It is of major interest to identify
how a liquid, pushing another fluid or transporting particles, ions,
or nutriments, can penetrate or be extracted from the porous medium.
High-resolution X-ray microtomography, neutron imaging, and magnetic
resonance imaging are techniques allowing us to obtain, in a nondestructive
way, a view of the internal processes in nontransparent porous media.
Here we review the possibilities of a simple though powerful technique
which provides various direct quantitative information on the liquid
distribution inside the porous structure and its variations over time
due to fluid transport and/or phase changes. It relies on the analysis
of the details of the NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) relaxation
of the proton spins of the liquid molecules and its evolution during
some process such as the imbibition, drying, or phase change of the
sample. This rather cheap technique then allows us to distinguish
how the liquid is distributed in the different pore sizes or pore
types and how this evolves over time; since the NMR relaxation time
depends on the fraction of time spent by the molecule along the solid
surface, this technique can also be used to determine the specific
surface of some pore classes in the material. The principles of the
technique and its contribution to the physical understanding of the
are illustrated through examples: imbibition, drying or fluid transfers
in a nanoporous silica glass, large pores dispersed in a fine polymeric
porous matrix, a pile of cellulose fibers partially saturated with
bound water, a softwood, and a simple porous inclusion in a cement
paste. We thus show the efficiency of the technique to quantify the
transfers with a good temporal resolution.