The structure of simian virus 40 (SV40) chromatin was probed by treatment with single- and multiple-site bacterial restriction endonucleases. Approximately the same fraction of the chromatin DNA was cleaved by each of three different single-site endonucleases, indicating that the nucleosomes do not have unique positions with regard to specific nucleotide sequences within the population of chromatin molecules. However, the extent of digestion was found to be strongly influenced by salt concentration. At 100 mM NaCl-5 mM MgCl2, only about 20% of the simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA I in chromatin was converted to linear SV40 DNA III. In contrast, at lower concentrations of NaCl (0.05 or 0.01 M), an additional 20 to 30% of the DNA was cleaved. These results suggest that at 100 mM NaCl only the DNA between nucleosomes was accessible to the restriction enzymes, whereas at the lower salt concentrations, DNA within the nucleosome regions became available for cleavage. Surprisingly, when SV40 chromatin was digested with multiple-site restriction enzymes, less than 2% of the DNA was digested to limit digest fragment, whereas only a small fraction (9 to 15%) received two or more cuts. Instead, the principal digest fragment was full-length linear SV40 DNA III. The failure to generate limit digest fragments was not a consequence of reduced enzyme activity in the reaction mixtures or of histone exchange. When the position of the principal cleavage site was mapped after HpaI digestion, it was found that this site was not unique. Nevertheless, all sites wree not cleaved with equal probability. An additional finding was that SV40 chromatin containing nicked-circular DNA II produced by random nicking of DNA I was also resistant to digestion by restriction enzymes. These results suggest that the initial cut which causes relaxation of topological constraint in SV40 chromatin DNA imparts resistance to further digestion by restriction enzymes. We propose that this may be accomplished by either "winding" of the internucleosomal DNA into the body of the nucleosome, or as suggested by others, by successive right-hand rotation of nucleosomes.