A model of sound generated in a high subsonic (Mach 0.9) circular jet is solved numerically in cylindrical coordinates for nonaxisymmetric disturbances. The jet is excited by transient mass injection by a finite duration pulse via a rotating ring source. The flow field, near field and far field pressure disturbances corresponding to these sources are described. In particular, the resulting pressure field, which would serve to excite nearby panels, is illustrated together with preliminary results on the excitation of thin slices of nearby panels.We consider both the short time behavior of the jet and the long time behavior, after the initial excitation pulse has exited the computational domain. The long time behavior of the jet is dominated by vorticity and pressure disturbances generated at the nozzle lip and growing as they convect downstream in the jet. These disturbances generate sound as they propagate. We find that rotating nonaxisymmetric disturbances persist for long times. Furthermore, depending on location, both in phase and out of phase behavior can be found upon reflection across the jet axis.