A B S T R A C T This paper describes the inhibitory effect of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on antidiuretic hormone (ADH)-stimulated net Cl-absorption and spontaneous transepithelial voltage (Ve) in single medullary thick ascending limbs of Henle (TALH, thick ascending limb; mTALH, medullary segment; cTALH, cortical segment) obtained from mouse kidney. The experimental data indicate that PGE2 reduced the ADHdependent values of net Cl-absorption (Je,', eq cm-2 s-') and Ve (mV) in a dose-dependent manner; that increasing concentrations of peritubular ADH reversed the PGE2-mediated reductions in the ADH-dependent moiety of Ve in the mouse mTALH; that PGE2 had no effect on cyclic AMP-stimulated increments in Ve in the mouse mTALH; and that PGE2 had no In the renal medulla, this process enriches medullary osmolality, thereby contributing to urinary concentrating power (13,14). In certain species, like the mouse, salt absorption (11) and adenyl cyclase activity (15,16) in the water permeability of mammalian collecting ducts.In the isolated mouse mTALH, NaCl absorption involves the coupled entry of Cl-, and possibly K+ (17, 18), to Na+ entry across apical plasma membranes. In other words, Cl-transport in this nephron segment is a secondary active transport process, driven in part by the Na+ gradient between luminal fluid and cell interior (11,17). Conservative NaCl absorption in this nephron segment is enhanced considerably, and in a dose-dependent manner, by ADH, operating through the second messenger cyclic (c)AMP (11). Conversely, conservative NaCl absorption in the mouse mTALH is suppressed significantly by increases in peritubular osmolality independently of transepithelial osmotic pressure gradients (19).The mouse mTALH, like the rabbit cTALH (6, 20) and mTALH (7), behaves as a hybrid epithelium: the mouse mTALH is electrically leaky (11, 17) and rather permeable to Na+ and to 17), yet is virtually water impermeable either in the presence or absence of ADH (9-11). Consequently, as medullary peritubular salt concentrations vary, there occur varying degrees of dissipative NaCl backleak from interstitium to lumen through the paracellular pathway. Thus, for the mouse mTALH, maintenance of diluting power in the presence of varying NaCl concentrations in peritubular media depends, at least in part, on the interplay between ADH and peritubular osmolality in modifying conservative NaCl transport (11, 19). We will argue in this paper that PGE2 represents yet another factor that modulates the latter in the mouse mTALH.In the amphibian urinary bladder, Orloff et al. (21) found that prostaglandins inhibited the hydro6smotic effect of ADH but did not change the response of the epithelium to cAMP. They inferred that prostaglandins had acted at a locus proximal to hormone-dependent accumulation of cAMP within the cell, with little or no discernible prostaglandin action on transport events beyond cAMP accumulation. Based on in vitro studies in the isolated rabbit collecting duct, Grantham and Orloff (22) also suggested that prosta...