We report the experimental investigation and theoretical modeling of a rotating polariton superfluid relying on an innovative method for the injection of angular momentum. This novel, multipump injection method uses four coherent lasers arranged in a square, resonantly creating four polariton populations propagating inwards. The control available over the direction of propagation of the superflows allows injecting a controllable non-quantized amount of optical angular momentum. When the density at the center is low enough to neglect polariton-polariton interactions, optical singularities, associated to an interference pattern, are visible in the phase. In the superfluid regime resulting from the strong nonlinear polariton-polariton interaction, the interference pattern disappears and only vortices with the same sign are persisting in the system. Remarkably the number of vortices inside the superfluid region can be controlled by controlling the angular momentum injected by the pumps.Introduction. In planar semiconductor microcavities, the strong coupling between light (photons) and matter (excitons) [1] gives rise to exciton-polaritons, with specific properties such as a low effective mass, inherited from their photonic component, and strong nonlinear interactions due to their excitonic part. These quasi-particles offer a great opportunity to revisit in solid state materials the interaction between light and matter, first explored in atomic physics. Polaritonic systems are easily controllable by optical techniques and, due to their finite lifetimes, are ideal systems for studying out-of-equilibrium phenomena [2,3]. In analogy with the atomic case [4,5], the superfluid behavior of polariton quantum fluids has been theoretically predicted [6] and experimentally confirmed [7][8][9].Quantized vortices are topological excitations characterized by the vanishing of the field density at a given point (the vortex core) and the quantized winding of the field phase from 0 to 2π around it. Together with solitons, they have been extensively studied and observed in nonlinear optical systems [10] [17][18][19][20][21] in polariton fluids, more detailed studies of vortices and vortex arrays are still needed in order to achieve a better understanding of polariton superfluidity and of vortex dynamics, as well as to achieve the implementation of quantum technologies [22][23][24].Polariton systems have been shown to reveal a large variety of effects with the formation of stable vortices [20,25] and half vortices [26,27] as well as the formation of single vortex-antivortex (V-AV) pairs [17,18,28], and spin-vortices [29]. The formation of lattices of vortices and of V-AV pairs has been theoretically predicted for cavity-polaritons [30][31][32] and observed in the case of patterns induced by metallic depo-