Cicadas are usually studied regarding their importance in agriculture. However, the possibility of this group to represent a pulse of nutrients can also imply on the success of a given species in the biome. The aim of this study was to assess the level of total soluble proteins and lipids of Fidicina mannifera (Fabricius, 1803), and to determine whether the species can promote a pulse of nutrients in two vegetation classes of the Brazilian Cerrado. To assess the pulse of nutrients, it was concluded the determination of total soluble proteins and lipids from samples of males and adult females of F. mannifera, and the spatial distribution of exuviae of this species was also calculated in two vegetation classes of the Brazilian Cerrado. The amount of protein provided by each individual did not differ between males and females (p = 0.66) but females had 40% more lipids than males (p = 0.05). Regarding F. mannifera the gallery forest offered 11.75 g/ha of protein, 3.91 g/ha of lipids, and the Cerrado stricto sensu offered 4.25 g/ha of protein, and 1.41 g/ha of lipid. The male cicadas have a hollow abdomen, which houses a resonance chamber for sound production in order to attract females to mate, and females store larger amounts of lipids, mainly located in the abdominal cavity, where the body fat is directly linked to the reproductive system for the development of the ovaries and egg production after emergence. The mass occurrence of F. mannifera in the Brazilian Cerrado and the fast availability of proteins and lipids make this species a food resource that can directly impact the diet of secondary consumers and scavengers, although the amount of nutrients available by F. mannifera does not promote a pulse of nutrients in the study site.Keywords: Cicadidae, cicada, protein, lipids, sexual maturation.Fidicina mannifera (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea: Fidicinini) promove pulsos de nutrientes em duas fitofisionomias do Cerrado?Resumo O interesse no estudo de cigarras geralmente é despertado pela sua importância na agricultura. Entretanto, a possibilidade de que este grupo represente um pulso de nutrientes pode também implicar no sucesso de sobrevivência de espécies importantes num determinado bioma. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o nível de proteínas solúveis e lipídios totais de Fidicina mannifera (Fabricius, 1803) e determinar se a espécie pode promover um pulso de nutrientes em duas fitofisionomias do Cerrado. Para avaliar o pulso de nutrientes, foram determinados os níveis de proteínas solúveis e lipídios totais de machos e fêmeas adultos de F. mannifera, e também a distribuição espacial de exúvias desta espécie, em duas fitofisionomias de Cerrado. A quantidade de proteínas disponibilizada por indivíduo não diferiu entre machos e fêmeas (p = 0,66), porém fêmeas apresentaram 40% mais lipídios do que machos (p = 0,05). Para mata de galeria F. mannifera ofertou 11,75 g/ha de proteína, 3,91 g/ha de lipídios, e no cerrado stricto sensu, 4,25 g/ha de proteína, e 1,41 g/ha de lipídio. Machos de cigarras possuem um...