ABSTRACT␣-Helical secondary structure occurs widely in globular proteins and its formation is a key step in their folding. As a consequence, understanding the energetics of helix formation is crucial to understanding protein folding and stability. We have measured the helix propensities of the nonpolar amino acids for an ␣-helix in an intact protein, ribonuclease T 1 , and for a 17-residue peptide with a sequence identical to that of the ␣-helix in the protein. The helix propensities are in excellent agreement. This shows that when compared in the same sequence context, the helix propensities of the nonpolar amino acids are identical in helical peptides and intact proteins, and that conclusions based on studies of the helix-to-coil transitions of peptides may, in favorable cases, be directly applicable to proteins. Our helix propensities based on ribonuclease T 1 are in good agreement with those from similar studies of barnase and T4 lysozyme. In contrast, our helix propensities differ substantially from those derived from studies of alanine-stabilized or salt bridge-stabilized model ␣-helical peptides.Predicting the three-dimensional structure of a protein from its amino acid sequence and gaining a detailed understanding of the mechanism of protein folding remain two of the most difficult, unsolved problems in biochemistry. In both cases, understanding the many forces that contribute to the conformational stability of a protein and their interplay is a major difficulty. One approach to this problem is to uncouple the formation of secondary structure from overall protein folding by studying the factors that influence secondary structure formation in model peptides. ␣-Helices are of primary interest because they occur widely in proteins and the isolated peptides often form helical structures in solution so that they can be used as convenient models for protein folding and stability (1-5). Although model ␣-helical peptides have been studied in detail, the relevance of these models to the folding of intact proteins has not been carefully explored. Here we present a direct comparison of the helix propensity of the nonpolar amino acids measured in an ␣-helix in an intact protein, and in an ␣-helical peptide with the identical sequence.Ribonuclease T 1 (RNase T 1 ) is a small (104 residue), monomeric protein, which has proven to be a useful model for the study of protein folding and stability (6). RNase T 1 is an ␣ϩ class protein with several strands of -sheet packed against a relatively long (17 residues and 4.5 turns) ␣-helix, forming a hydrophobic core (7). The sequence of the single ␣-helix in wild-type RNase T 1 is: SSDVSTAQAAGYKLHED, which corresponds to Ser-13 through Asp-29 in the intact protein (Fig. 1). The helical portion of the RNase T1 protein has a near ideal site at which to measure helix propensities: alanine 21 is in the exact center of the helix, on the solvent exposed face, and the side chains of residues (i, iϩ3) and (i, iϩ4), which could interact with residues at position 21 are all involved in ...