ABSTRACT. Herein, we compare information taken from the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery operations carried out off the far southern coast of Chile (47°00'S-57°00'S) using pots (pots) and longlines. In January 2006 and from June to October 2006, 167 fishing hauls were done, 119 using long-lines and 48 using pots. The total Patagonian toothfish catch was 60.9 tons, of which 81.2% were caught with long-lines and 18.8% with pots. On average, 5,395 hooks and 147 pots were set per haul, with average yields of 0.08 kg hook -1 and 1.43 kg pot -1 . The average depth for setting the gear was 1,581 m (long-lines) and 1,318 m (pots). Significant differences were found between these two types of gear, as well as between the time of setting and the time of retrieval. Greater fishing yields were obtained from the long-line fishery operations, with significant differences between the gear types in terms of the catch per haul (kg haul -1 ) and the catch per length of the specimens retained (kg 1000 m -1 ). On average, the individuals caught with pots (110.8 cm total length) were larger than those caught with long-lines (105.1 cm total length). Nonetheless, no significant differences were recorded for the size structures. In terms of interactions with birds, during setting, no birds were observed at the trapping operations, whereas a few specimens (≤ 10 birds) were seen during only 2.5% of the long-line operations. During retrieval, birds were observed during 34.9% of the hauls with pots and 62.8% of the longline operations. The presence of mammals around the fishery operations during setting and retrieval was similar for both types of gear. Keywords: yields, pot, long-line, Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, Chile.Rendimientos de pesca y estructuras de tallas de bacalao de profundidad (Dissostichus eleginoides) capturados con trampas y espineles en el extremo sur de Chile RESUMEN. Se compara información proveniente de operaciones de pesca de bacalao de profundidad (Dissostichus eleginoides) efectuadas mediante trampas y espineles en enero de 2006 y entre junio y octubre de 2006, frente a la costa sur-austral de Chile (47°00'S-57°00'S). Se realizaron 167 lances de pesca, 119 correspondieron a operaciones de pesca con espinel y 48 con trampas, registrándose una captura total de bacalao de profundidad de 60,9 ton, de las cuales 81,2% fue extraída con espinel y 18,8% con trampas. Se calaron en promedio 5.395 anzuelos/lance y 147 trampas/lance, obteniéndose un rendimiento promedio de 0,08 kg anzuelo -1 y 1,43 kg trampa -1 . La profundidad media de calado fue 1.581 m con espineles y 1.318 m con trampas, encontrándose diferencias significativas entre ambos aparejos, al igual que en el tiempo de calado y de virado. En las operaciones de pesca con espinel se obtuvo rendimientos de pesca superiores, siendo estas diferencias significativas entre los aparejos en términos de la captura por lance (kg lance -1 ) y la captura por longitud de retenida (kg 1000 m -1 ). Respecto del tamaño de los ejemplares cap...