Time-resolved photoelectron imaging has been utilized to probe the energetics and dynamics of the transient negative ion of the nucleobase uracil. This species was created through charge transfer from an iodide anion within a binary iodide-uracil complex using a UV pump pulse; the ensuing dynamics were followed by photodetachment with a near-IR probe pulse. The photoelectron spectra show two time-dependent features, one from probe-induced photodetachment of the transient anion state and another from very low energy electron signal attributed to autodetachment. The transient anion was observed to decay biexponentially with time constants of hundreds of femtoseconds and tens of picoseconds, depending on the excitation energy. These dynamics are interpreted in terms of autodetachment from the initially excited state and a second, longer-lived species relaxed by iodine loss. Hydrogen loss from the N1 position may also occur in parallel.T he observation that low-energy electrons can lead to DNA and RNA strand cleavage via temporary negative ion states 1 has motivated numerous studies of nucleic acid constituents. Gas-phase studies of DNA and RNA building blocks, including individual nucleobases, nucleosides, and nucleotides, have sought to provide insight into the mechanisms of this radiation damage. 2 Transient anion states of nucleobases have been posited to play a major role in DNA mutagenesis, perhaps via a charge-transfer process from an initially charged nucleobase moiety to a sugar-phosphate bond. 3,4 In this work, we explore the dynamics of transient anion states of uracil via time-resolved photoelectron (TRPE) imaging 5 of an iodide-uracil binary complex.The interaction of excess electrons with uracil and other nucleobases has been studied in the gas phase using low-energy electron scattering, 6,7 negative ion photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), 8−10 and Rydberg electron transfer (RET). 11 Total electron scattering cross section measurements showed structure below 2 eV associated with unoccupied π* orbitals of uracil, 6 while dissociative electron attachment (DEA) studies showed that hydrogen atom loss from the N1 position in the transient negative ion U* − occurs at collision energies as low as 0.7 eV. 6,7,12−14 The nature of the uracil anion has been directly probed in PES and RET studies. PES experiments have measured the binding energy of the dipole-bound species as ∼90 meV 8,9 and estimate that valence anions of uracil bind excess electrons by tens to hundreds of meV. 9−11 These species are clearly distinguishable in photoelectron (PE) spectra, as dipolebound states consist of narrow features with low electron binding energies, reflecting the similarity between the anion and neutral geometries, while valence-bound anions have characteristically broader features. 15 Only dipole-bound anions of uracil have been observed using conventional ion generation methods, 8−10 but the uracil anion can transform from a dipolebound state to a valence-bound state upon complexation with one Xe atom or water...