Very accurate values of the coherent neutron scattering lengths of the heavy elements Bi and Pb are important quantities for the investigation of the electric interactions of neutrons with atoms. We performed, therefore, a series of experiments to determine accurate scattering lengths by means of neutron gravity refractometry on liquid mirrors of molten metals. For heavy diamagnetic atoms (e.g. Pb, Bi) the electric contributions to the coherent scattering length b amount to about 1% of b. This contribution decreases with increasing neutron energy depending on the loss of geometrical coherence of the atomic scattering (atomic and nuclear field formfactors). Using this effect, the neutronelectron scattering length and the electric dipole polarizability of the neutron have been determined in a previous work [2], in which high precision values of the coherent scattering lengths of Pb and Bi have been compared with the scattering lengths at energies in the region from 1 eV to 2 keV derived from very precise neutron transmission measurements.In the present work we report on the determination of the coherent scattering lengths for Pb, Bi, and Sn, T1, Ga with uncertainties of about 0.03% using the gravity refractometry [3] with neutron reflection on the molten metals.